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  • jstaats


what a couple of months it has been! like you, we are continuing to keep our team’s health and the safety of our clients the top priority. though we are looking forward to in person meetings again, we know there are a lot of questions and concerns about re-entering the workplace and all other commercial spaces. there will be both short and long term adjustments impacting our culture, behavior, and environment.

Is your business ready?

we are certainly not experts on addressing re-entry concerns, but we have trusted resources constantly updating us on how we can make your transition back-to-work smoother and less daunting. every solution needs to be flexible and unique to each business owner.

we are here to support you with creative solutions and a flexible mindset to design service offerings, as we navigate these upcoming months. we are learning along with you but we hope, with our guidance and tools, we can provide a place to start.

please reach out for a chat (or a great video chat!); we will all get through this transition together!

-your revel team

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